October 4, 2011

  • The Debut of the Plum.


    The countdown is on!
    Wednesday morning we leave the land of cotton and peanut fields and head for the great Rockies.
    I’m excited. We’re excited! About what the Lord will do in us through our time at Ellerslie.
    I know it’ll be stretching, and thrilling, and growing…
    and we are so grateful to God for opening up this doors for us!

    One last post before we head out…
    I’m hoping we’ll be able to pick up Wi-Fi from someone else in the apartment complex,
    but that’s wishful thinking. :)
    If not, I’ll hope to pop in and out now and then to say hi!

    [a little autumn touch]


    [I love little lanterns]


    [some favorite toys ♥]


    [cookies from a friend]


    [little girls' bath toys]


    [fresh fruit]


    [auntie from far-away who do fun tea parties]


    [sets of piggies]


    [ a grouping of three]


    All these pictures had some common thread… anyone catch it? :)

    They all are groupings of three.
    Symbolizing, showing, hinting that….
    well, we’re thrilled and excited and humbled 
    that God has heard our hearts’ desire and has granted new life!

    I’m so humbled though,
    because I know I am only one among many women who have desired a child.
    Why God has chosen to grant our desire and withhold it from others is a mystery.
    I don’t understand it, but I receive with an open hand whatever it is He desires for our family.

    Beyond the excitement, I have been quite sick the past month
    [thus the real reason for my hiding my face].
    A lot of the time has been on the sofa or in bed.
    It’s definitely been a challenge with preparing to leave
    and with all that has needed to be done.

    Friends and family have been beyond caring and helpful, and I don’t know how to thank them enough.
    They’ve been Jesus’ hands and feet to me the past few weeks!

     I know the sickness will not last forever.
    But I will ask for your prayers the next few days with traveling and the many hours and miles to go…

    But sickness or no sickness, we are greatly anticipating Little Wee Baby next April!
    [or, as late as I go, it'll probably be next May :) ]

    [eleven weeks and counting]






Comments (41)

  • you know how excited i am for you!!!!!!!!! {hugs} great pictures too. praying for you!

  • aww! happy tears for you this morning! what a MIRACLE new life is, what a blessing! i hope, really hope that these days of leaving and travel go well for you…saying an extra prayer for you just now.
    and, how CUTE is the little plum idea! Love it!
    blessings…and i do hope you can get onto someone’s wi-fi from out there…you will be missed online!

  • oh, my word! tears, excited laugh, what a great post for my morning. I love the whole little plum thing, too cute. Very cute way of announcing it. I was going through the post just thinking how much i love your photography, totally not getting the grouping of three thing, until the words ‘a baby the size of a plum’ made me do a little double take
    Congrats over and over. Hope you feel better soon!

  • Congratulations to you! A little miracle created by God. Hope you’re feeling better soon!

  • Congratulations!! Babies are a such a beautiful way to begin life.

  • Congratulations, how exciting!! So sorry about the sickness!! I hope your pregnancy goes well, and your time at Ellerslie is everything you hope for. I love the plum pictures.

  • awesome awesome clarita!!:) congrats!! im thinking you and me are due real close the same time!:) yup, we’re expecting another one and im 11 weeks tomorrow and due sometime the end of april. i havent been to the doctor yet, but thats what im coming up with. :) i hope your move and adjusting to a new area goes well! and hope you start feeling better soon!!

  • clarita! so excited for you! every new baby is a cherished miracle! it will be so fun to keep tabs on this baby’s growth now that i “know” you better. =)

  • Congrats!May your sickness soon pass.Safe travels!

  • Aww, congratulations to you! Here’s hoping the sickies decrease and you can have a wonderful time in the Rockies.Cute announcement!

  • Congratulations! And love your announcement. :)

  • How Exciting! Congratulations!
    Have fun in CO and safe traveling.

  • awwww, congrats. that is so exciting. love your announcement.

  • Yay for another baby- so exciting! You came to my mind this morning and I prayed a prayer for you…. strength to get things done and patience and love for your little girlies! Wishing you the best at Ellerslie.  -Carla

  • Oh how very excited I am for you!!!  CONGRATULATIONS!!!!
    What a blessing to be carrying a precious new life. 
    Your girls are going to be so happy to have a little baby to help take care of.
    And what a cute title for an announcement, the debut of the plum. =)

    Prayers for you for sure as you travel and settle in.
    I surely hope you don’t leave us for too long. ;)
    We will certainly miss seeing you around, but the ministry sounds wonderful.
    This will be such an incredible time for your family.Keep us posted if you can.
    Happy Tuesday to you. =)

  •  So happy for the new life in your family! sorry to hear you are not feeling well. I was on the couch a lot myself with my two pregnancies and even though it was 4 + years ago, I remember well the drag. What a cute way to display your announcement! :)

    Blessings as you travel and experience some new exciting things in the Rockies!

  • Congratulations! Your sensitivity to others who wish they were in your place is touching~
    And praying that you have an extra boost of strength and energy to finish up with moving~

  • How exciting! I hope your move goes well with as little stress as possible!

  • beautiful post and words!! I’m so excited for you and had tears in my eyes. It was so good and encouraging for my heart to read this tonight!  Encouraging to see how God is blessing and giving new life… and that blesses me!

  • i just saw your news on fb and had to jump over here to see if there was more.. :)
    *happy sigh* i know the longing and then the humbling when that prayer for a little one is finally answered~ it will be special to journey with you in this pregnancy.

    this next chapter at Ellerslie will be a great adventure, no doubt – but filled with some stress as well.. just moving and adjusting to the new of all that. and i’ll be praying for ya when your name comes to mind, and missing you here among this circle~ you’re such a bright spot! and i know God is going to use you to bless & minister to so many in your new home while you’re there~

    safe travels to you and the little plum. not just heading to the rockies, but throughout this entire 9 month journey. :)

    love you.

  • thrilled for you and with you! congratulations on your third precious little person. love how you shared this exciting news…your creativity as well as your sensitivity. special blessings and love to you all in your many upcoming travels and experiences.

  • AW! You definitely brought tears to my eyes! How exciting!! Congratulations!!! I’m so happy for you guys, making this big leap of faith. :) I’m excited to hear how it’s going. So, take care on that trip! I will definitely be praying as you travel and are still feeling icky. Oh, and I’ll miss you LOTS!

  • Hope you feel better soon!  I know what it is like to be sick in pregnancy, and it’s hard to get anything done much less packing for a long trip, so I will be praying especially hard for you in all empathy!  Meanwhile have a wonderful time in the West.

  • Congrats, I loved the way you announced it, so so precious.

    Have a wonderful time at ellersly. Give the Ludy’s my regards.:) Hee hee.

  • Yay! You announced it! And in such an adorable way too. I looove your pictures to go along with this post … I will be hardly able to stand it for the next 6 months, wondering if this little plum is a boy or a girl!! :)

    {And just to prove to you how much food and food pictures catch my eye . . . those cookies have me drooling and I’m so glad I bought a box of ginger snaps JUST YESTERDAY to DO this.}

    Happy travels to you and the little family!! Send me an address ASAP, please. Was DELIGHTED to open the pink box on my doorstep today, and well, if you send me your address, I can give proper expression to the happy heart and thankfulness. :) Love you!

  • love the way you introduced “the baby”. congrats! i know what you mean about wondering why God blessed YOU. definitely not wanting to miss out on the awesomeness but just wishing everything was even steven for others too….
    i hope God gives you amazing bursts of energy and health to get thru the move…

  • just spent a bit of time browsing through your ‘life’ : ) such loveliness in it.
    sweet announcement, the plum is darling. don’t know you well enough to know where you’re going but will be praying for you … pregnant sick is rough when life still has to happen.
    hope you get online, i’d love to know you more!

  • cute announcement of this precious miracle. blessed indeed.  wishing you a wonderful time in the rockies. that would be such a dream for me to fulfill so for now i’ll live it through you so keep us posted.  :)

  • Debut of the plum …. your choice of words is absolutely delicious as are the pictures! I bet your girls are beyond excited! I hope all goes well for you … especially the big move with not feeling well! Congratulations!!

  • Congrats girl! That’s so exciting! Hope you get to feeling better soon! Have a wonderful time!

  • Congratulations! What a cute announcement.

  • wonderful news. precious pics. lovely way of announcing.  So you.

    I’m rooting for blue this time Clarita! =)

    Sounds like you’re about 3 to 4 wks behind me!

    Hoping and praying your “sickness” will get better soon.  Were you sick w/ your other pregnancys?

  • Congratulations, Clarita! That is very exciting — new life always is! I hope you feel better soon, and have a wonderful time in the Rockies!

  • Very happy for you!! Lots of big things going on in your life right now. I hope you feel better soon.

    Oh, and I loved the way you announced this!!  So creative.

  • Congratulations!  So exciting!  Thanks for your sensitivity to those who haven’t had their desires answered with a “Yes”.  Hope you’re able to do some sight-seeing in Colorado…it’s a beautiful state!

  • aw, that’s wonderful:)  i just made it out of the “first trimester ick”.  it’s not an easy thing.  hopefully yours will end at the 12 week mark.  life is beautiful~

  • @cupajava - how exciting!! i’m so happy for you! it’ll be fun to be so close to someone else!!

  • CONGRATS!! so very exciting! hope your time in the West is wonderful…

  • thinking of you..
    and missin ya around here!

    hope all is going well in your new home. <3

  • Congratulations!  It IS such a miracle!

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