January 16, 2009
Old McDonald’s Yoda’s Farm???
There is nothing like waking up in the morning to your house smelling like a chicken farm, and having 104 chicks running around the house. Okay, just kidding about the running around part But totally serious about the smelling part. And the 104-chick part. And the in-the-house part.
It all started one day last week…
Ben had returned home after a day at work, and after a few minutes, came to me and said there is something he needed to tell me. I could tell by his expression it wasn’t anything too ghastly, but we usually keep each other up to date on things, so naturally my curiosity was aroused.
“Uhh, well, *sheepish grin* I just ordered us a hundred chickens.”
My jaw couldn’t have sunk any lower to the ground, and I staggered against the kitchen counter. In the deep recesses of my memory, I do recall us having mentioned – just mentioned – that one day it might be nice to have a few laying hens. Maybe 4-5. “A hundred what?” I stammered weakly, hoping desperately this was all a joke. He likes to tell me things that shock me out of my mind, only to tell me he was just kidding. He seems to enjoy freaking me out like that. And for a purchase of something this big, we normally consult each other first. He’s not the spur-of-the-moment buyer. At least, not normally.
“Uhhh, yeah. A hundred chickens.” He was stuttering around a bit, but his grin was getting wider. “Now that you mention it, a hundred does sound like a lot.” He started chuckling.
I was completely speechless, staring wide-eyed at my grinning husband, but my mind was going crazy. What in the world are we ever going to do with a hundred chickens?! We don’t even have a place to keep any chickens! And doing simply math, 100 chickens, laying approximately 100 eggs a day, give or take, would give us about 700 eggs a week. How many eggs does this man think we eat???
“Oh, they’re probably not all hens.” he added.
Oh, perfect. That’s even better. I can just see it now. 25 roosters perched on the rooftop, crowing for all the neighborhood to hear at 4am every morning. Plus the other 75 hens flapping all around the yard, in the trees, on the vehicles, on the house roof, on the back porch. Why, we probably couldn’t even walk outside the door without stepping into doo-doo everywhere, with that many fowl around.
I finally managed to ask what in the world he was thinking, getting that many chickens. He kept grinning, seemingly enjoying this moment of complete shock for his wife, and mentioned that perhaps he should have told me first. I did tell him that would have been nice, because there was no way I would have let him get that many if he asked, but it was probably good he just went ahead and did it if he wanted them that badly.
As I began to try to wrap my mind around the idea of us living in the very midst of a chicken farm, he told me that he actually wanted to raise them for a few months, then sell them in the spring as more mature roosters/hens, and that we would probably end up keeping only a dozen or so. Kind of like an investment, he said.
Gracious. That’s still a bit overdone in my opinion. A hundred chickens!
They arrived yesterday. Little newly-hatched chicks. All 104 of them. They are rather cute, I have to admit. Zoe’ is tickled out of her mind, and would hardly eat a bite of supper last night out of excitement. I’m afraid she’ll bring about the death of half of them.
And since it was so cold last night, below freezing, we [yes, yes, me too] felt sorry for them outside and allowed them to
sleeppeep inside all night. Good thing we had a raging fan making all sorts of noise in our bedrooms, otherwise I don’t know how we would have slept a wink. And waking up to a house smelling like chickens isn’t exactly the most exciting way for a pregnant woman to start her day.But my husband is just darling with them. He feeds them diligently, waters them, makes sure everything is okay. This mornine he found one that didn’t make it, and another one that somehow got crushed in the mix. For the surviving one, he made a rice pack and heated it up, then stuck that and the chick in a beanie hat, trying to revive it. And just now I got a text from him, saying, “If the chick gets up, could you give it water in a jar lid? Thanks.” I laughed out loud, Sure, Babe, anything you want… thinking the whole chicken epidsode is so funny and so ridiculous at the same time. Thankfully it will just be a few months that we’ll have this many chickens around here…
The chick itself, affectionately named “Charlie” by my loving husband. He thought we needed to name him after his near-death experience. I just hope he’s not planning on continuing with the naming venture. It’s hard enough for me to name a baby, let alone 103 chickens. [Notice the Georgia Bulldogs hat and all. I'm sure all you Georgia fans would say that's the reason for the rapid recovery].
But I’m racking my brain, trying to remember if there’s anything else he’s mentioned in the past that I should be prepared for. You know, in case he gets another brain-storm. And what do you know, but I honestly remember he said it would be nice to have a few goats around here, just to eat out the scruffy parts of the woods around the house…
Comments (20)
Oh my! I surely enjoyed this little story; even tho’ I can feel your exasperation and despair at that many chickens taking over your…um, everything!? Wow! I laughed out loud at the thought of them on the rooftops and all about the yard, cuz it reminds me of a few years ago when our neighbors had chickens that would NOT stay on their own premises and I had quite a few outbursts of “I’m going to strangle that rooster if he crows at 2 in the morning one more time!” and threats of purchasing my OWN pellet gun and making use of it if they did not stay out of my flowerbeds…..But, the eggs are nice to have around too! Teehee!!! Have a great weekend, chickens and all!
I think I’ll be wearing a grin for the rest of the day after reading this. So if I’m still grinning tonight….you know why!(:(: Eric was so much the same when we got our chickens….he doted on them as if they were human! Oh, and just wait till they lay their first eggs!! Ben won’t be able to sleep from sheer excitement!(:
Oh, that is too funny! It sounds so much like my hubby!! The more the merrier, the bigger the better! I love the way you made a cute story out of it! And I say, you handled the news better than I usually do!! … It must be chicken time, because Peter is using our incubator and is on his 3rd hatch of eggs! A friends little boy bought his first 19 chickens that hatched! We now have 11 hens that are laying already… Boys, will be boys – no matter how old they are!! …enjoy it!
You gave me a good laugh!! I would’ve probably responded very similarly. You might want to check in with him to make sure on how many goats he was thinking!! The more the merrier huh?!
oh my word!!! that is absolutely hysterical! i laughed out loud the whole way through your post…ha ha…=) what the sam henry has got into my bro-in-law??! and then he sends text messages to update you on chicken care! oh, that is too good!! you’ll probably end up in some random “farm & ranch” magazine, as “top story of year from a green, first-time farm wife”!!! ha ha ha…
ps: the best part about it, is that you couldn’t stand eggs from the time you were little….LOL!!!
Clarita…I don’t know if the situation is that funny to you but your post was hysterical! Thanks for sharing it with us and for making me chuckle….a deep belly chuckle!(-: Best wishes with the chickens!
every time i read it, it gets that much funnier. especially since i can just hear the dialogue between you and ben in all its dramatic and sheepish tones. i love you two a lot, you know. on a different sort of note… i cleaned the house like a madwoman today, ran errands for mom and am making creamy herb-roasted chicken over parslied rice for supper (complete with apple streusel for dessert). as a result, i’m feeling very domestic and clarita-like. *grins* oh and while listening to richard clayderman’s cd about a million times throughout the course of this domestic frenzy, i couldn’t help but smile and tear up every time your “chariots of fire” processional came on… is it weird to miss your wedding day, because i do…
hey clarita it has been so long since i checked your site. i spent many many minutes catching up.. love it! all of it. i also messaged you so make sure you check your messages!
I can totally relate to the “mentioning-it-once” type of communication before husband goes and does something totally shocking and dramatic . . . and grinning all the while too while explaining things to wife. =) Had one of those just a week or two ago. May you be blessed as you deal with chickens and their mess! They’re cute and not too bad smelling today, but they grow FAST and the smell *then* is so GROSS. Trust me, I’m experienced on this one!!
actually, couldn’t find your message board. so mary june is having me re do some furniture for portia and she likes your antiqued white piece you just did.. can you help me with tips?
That is just too funny! Jeff keeps talking about us having a small farm too with goats, cows, and maybe if you’ll have chickens in the spring, he might want some of those too.
Tell Ben “what a ‘fowl’ thing to do”. Loved your post. You’re such a trooper!! When you get ready to sell, eggs we may buy some from you.
Oh My goodness!!! May I say, that he has a little of his dad in him!!! Sounds so much like what went on at our house growing up. I’m telling you, that when dad went to the stockyard sale, we never knew what excotic animal we would end up with, such as muscobie ducks, peacocks, banti chickens, guineas, and every brand of rabbit and chicken in between!! So I just pray that for your sake, he get’s his fill with the 100 chicks!!! Ha- Ha very funny post!! It had me laughing the whole way through!!!
Just thot of something today that I thot you might want to try. You know how I sometimes do “give-aways” on my blog. Well, why don’t you do a chick give-away on your site?? You might have to think of a creative way to make people WANT the prize and be willing to post their comments, but hey, you are the very creative sort, so I’m sure you could think of something. And then plan a big “shipping” day . . . all that you need are those little boxes with holes, a little money to pay for shipping, and the postmaster takes care of the rest. (I know about that too, ’cause our chicks got delivered to us by our mail lady. She normally doesn’t have to come down to our house ’cause the mailboxes are the end of our road, ya know?, but on chick delivery day, she came right into our driveway and honked her horn. I ran out to the car and she handed me this little box with about 30 peeping things . . . and then left in a hurry. I’m sure she was glad to be rid of those things. =))
Too funny! Wonder how they are all doing?
I don’t think I know you but I was looking at your pictures and I LOVE your style of decore! I struggle in that area and I love to look at pictures and get Ideas! Just thought I’d comment.
I saw Ervina & Claudia in church yesterday; looked like they were enjoying their vacation & what little warmth we had last week. And I’m more than a bit jealous that you get to live in the same area as my wonderful cousin; guess I’ll just have to make a trip to Jesup!
How do I have time to read AND scrapbook? Well for one, I kind of go in “spurts”–one week reading a lot and the next scrapbooking a lot, so I’m not really doing them at the same time. =) But the OTHER main reason I’m getting things “done” is [and you may not like my answer] because my mom and other family members are here, and well, Dietrich is so well cared for and entertained day after day, giving me many happy hours of doing all these things–and actually getting somewhere! One month is almost gone already, so I’m not taking one single moment for granted, but trying to use my time wisely–and loving it all to the max!!
And as to the lenses I have/use? Well, of course, we bought the camera with the 18-55mm (which is what I take many of my pics with) and the 75-300mm (which I rarely use, but used to capture the sledding children and the stop sign and a few other winter pics last week). And then there’s the one Phil brought home: the “fixed” 50mm F/1.8 . . . and I have just been loving that lens for portraits and even other things. Most of my Christmas pics (and many others) have been taken with that one. I knew I wanted that particular lens because Phil’s cousin Sara often uses that and I just love the effect.
Any more questions? =) I’m starting to feel like a talk-show host, call-in-with your pressing questions celebrity or something. hee-hee.
My cousin is Anita (and Daniel) Miller; they just moved in your area to work at Choice Books. Also, Stan’s Gina & Joe’s Gloria would be Kenton’s first cousins. Joel’s stayed with us over Kenton’s Grandpa’s funeral – they’re such a sweet family!