August 3, 2004

  • A relaxing weekend filled with lots of shut-eye, definitely my kind of weekend!!! Makes me feel ready to face another week with heart again instead of mere obligation!

    Wow, the first week of managing the florist shop is over, and one more week to go! Thank you Jesus, it went well, and that due to God and wonderul people in the wholesale departments!! It has been fun, been a challenge, been scary, felt like a lot of responsibility, and I’ll be happy to just be an employee again!  I’ve been learning so much and love working with the flowers – this is a dream come true for me to gain this experience!!

    Feel like the sunshine is back in my heart again… The past few weeks have felt like continuous struggle, and the frustrating part was that I didn’t even know what the struggle was, but there was definite struggle!! God spoke truth into my heart over the weeknd through several dear friends, and my heart is at rest once more… Thank you Jesus!! Two huge things from God through friends to me:

    (1) It is just as honoring/glorifying  to God to rely on Him  moment by moment each day as  it is to spend powerful quiet times with God. (ben)

    (2) I CAN NEVER BE A DISAPPOINTMENT TO GOD!!! I can grieve His heart, but disappointment comes from unrealistic expectations often based on selfish hopes.He looks at me without condemnation!!! (kathy) Romans 8 has been so beautiful!!

    Live today knowing that you are deeply loved by God!!

Comments (2)

  • good thoughts. It’s easy to forget that God loves us inspite of our failer to trust Him.  Thanks for the encouraging post.

  • Hey, I know the guy in your pic

    Hi, I was Ben’s dormie at SMBI fourth term…I’m sure you know this, but it won’t hurt you to hear it again-grin-he’s an allright guy!! He was a major inspiration to me those six weeks and I learned some good stuff from him.  Of course, I havent heard anything from him since then[I've been hearing stories about how "busy" he is] but thats ok too.

    And also, you can tell Jana that I’m still convinced that those roses were red…:)

                                  -Joel Hostetler

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